I had been planning on writing about the most popular Goebel collectible, the CV72, 73 and 74 birds. These come in many colors and most are quite common so they have attracted many collectors. However, they were featured in the latest Goebel Networkers’ newsletter and since most of my regular readers are members, I see no reason to duplicate the article.
If you are not already a member, you must join. Dues are $18 per year plus $2 for spousal membership in the USA and $25 for collectors elsewhere in the world.
You may contact the club (which is not run by the Goebel company, but by Goebel collectors like you and me) at PO Box 355, Hamburg, PA 19526.
But I must show you a picture of a CV72 in turquoise and a CV73 in a basic white with colored highlights. (see picture #1) The turquoise, I acquired from a reader in exchange for one of another rare color. She happened to have two of these.
The white I discovered in a local antique mall for $10.00. It is the only time I have seen or even heard of either of these colors in over 27 years of Goebel collecting so I thought this would be most interesting to all you bird collectors.
Goebel made over 300 different bird motifs , mostly from the late 60’s through the 80’s. I have a few new birds with Germany below the mark, so these were made in the 90’s, but not exported to the USA.
Many were produced in a high gloss finish as well as in a matt finish. Some are even found in a white bisque. Once again, if there is no W Germany or Germany below Goebel, it was made in Thailand and most collectors do not consider them genuine Goebels.
Picture #2 shows Lang 1, 2 and 3. Lang, like Hummel, was an independent artist whose work Goebel reproduced in 3-D figurine form. They originally came with a sticker which stated the name of the bird in three languages, but the stickers are long gone in most of the figurines.
If my figurine has the sticker, I will be happy to tell you the name of the bird. The bird on the right is the orphan Warbler. Picture #3 shows the triple figurines. The right is the Blue Titmouse, a very common bird in Europe.
Picture #4 finishes the series with Lang 6 and 7.
Picture #5 illustrates the smallest of all the bird figurines if you do not include the base. They are all trademark 6 and are only about 2″.
Picture #6 shows us a Cardinal, a Blue Jay and a Goldfinch. The majority of Goebel birds are in this 3-4″ range.
Picture #7 has more of the smaller sized figurines.
We begin to grow an inch larger with the Titmouses (titmice???) and flowers and the Wren to the right in picture #8.
Originally, the bird collection was called just that as can be seen on the trademark3 plaque in picture #9. In the 70’s, Goebel changed the name to “Wildlife Series”. Note that the plaques can be found in both English and German and both glossy and matt and they were made with two different birds holding up the sign.
Picture #10 continues the middle sized birds with a Violetear, a Hummingbird (gorgeous detail), and another, you guessed it, Titmouse.
Most birds are not known for their running, but leave it to Goebel to be creative. In picture #11, we have a running Rooster and Pheasant.
Picture #12 does NOT have parakeets. The proper name is the Budgeriger. We are now getting up to 8″ in height.
There are some more beautiful larger birds in picture #13 which includes the Bee Eater and Love Bird.