As we go on, the details of the birds get finer and finer. Picture #14 has a rooster that I would think most rooster collectors would “kill” for. Next to him is a strange looking owl. Look at the detail in picture #15 depicting flamingoes and a stork. Now all […]
Goebel Column
Goebel Birds Part 1
I had been planning on writing about the most popular Goebel collectible, the CV72, 73 and 74 birds. These come in many colors and most are quite common so they have attracted many collectors. However, they were featured in the latest Goebel Networkers’ newsletter and since most of my regular […]
Goebel Ladies Part 2
Picture #11 (right) illustrates The Viscountess Diana, 1769, #305, Southern Belle, 1860, #310 and Say Please, 1780, #304. I’m not sure who is begging more, the lady or her doggie. Picture #12 (left ) gets us into sporting events beginning with ice skating, Skimming Gently, 1800, #294, tennis with Center […]
Goebel Ladies Part 1
Over the years, similar products were copied by many manufacturers, particularly from Japan. In the 1980’s, when most goebel products were in a slump, goebel issued several series of Ladies to, in my opinion, compete with Royal Doulton figurines. These figurines were comparable to Doulton in both quality as well […]
Goebel Friar Tucks Part 2
In 1996, in celebration of their 125 years in business, goebel produced the friar clock as seen in #12 (right). The bottom has the inscription, “Collector Classics 1996” and is 57 422 20. Candy dish or ash tray in picture #13 (left)? The ZF 43/0, ZF 43/I and ZF 43/II […]
Goebel Friar Tucks Part 1
We all know Friar Tuck, the roly-poly monk who kept Robin Hood and his Merry Men on the straight and narrow especially in keeping their drinking to a minimum.. Goebel issued a series of approximately 125 different items forever immortalizing the good Friar Tuck. Other than their Hummel series, this […]
Goebel Banks Part 2
Picture #12 begins a fantasy world with an elf 077 and a hungry looking ladybug 006 who may just be eyeing the elf’s mushroom hat. Picture #13 gives us toys to play with when we get tired of hunting for our treasures. We have a drum 028, a soccer ball […]
Goebel Banks Part 1
I have always asked my readers to contact me and let me know what they would like to read about. Several banks collectors did just that sothis month we will discuss Goebel banks. Goebel made hundreds of different banks going back to at least the 1920’s, but almost all of […]
Goebel Christmas Time Part 2
In 1978, goebel began an annual ornament series with the year of issue in relief somewhere on the figurine. Pictures # 12, # 13 & # 14 show the twelve years of ornaments. 1978 is Santa, 1979 an angel, 1980 Mrs Claus, 1981 a nutcracker. This nutcracker can also be […]
Goebel Christmas Time Part 1
Since it is well into July and we are sweltering under the hot summer’s sun, what better way to cool off than to think about Christmas! So I am presenting you with many of the festive season’s products made by goebel. Picture #1 begins with figurines of that jolly ole […]