Rare and Unusual David Winter

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Rare and Unusual David Winter

Jockey Mouse by Alice Winter

David's Sculpting Tools

Jockey Mouse by Alice Winter

David’s Sculpting Tools

Jockey Mouse by Alice Winter
As preparations got underway for Carnival 1997, Ian Weatherby Blythe and I started to plan “The Great Mouse Hunt II” Competition which was to be held in Warwick.
As it was supposedly just for fun, with “Mouse” gifts as prizes I approached Col Freddie, David’s father and asked him if Alice, David’s sister might have a “one of a kind” mouse laying around in her studio that we could offer as a prize.
We didn’t expect anything grand, as the competition was purely for fun! All the clues were hidden around the hall and attached to Chocolate mice.

Alice didn’t have anything that she though was special, so she sculpted a “one-off” in Resin for the first prize and then a smaller one, seen above to offer collectors who ahve over the years grown very attracted to mice that are found on David’s cottages. It was a limited edition of 100 and cost £24.95.

David’s Sculpting Tools
Rosemont a suburb of Chicago has become the site for the annual mid-year Collectibles exposition in the United States. In 1996 John Hine attended the show and David and members of the Media Arts Group, and each year something special has always been planned for David Winter Collectors who attend the show.
This particular year the gathering was treated to a Charity Auction of some rare and intereting items one of these being a set of David’s sculpting tools – in September at the last gathering at Eggars Hill another such auction was held, again sculpting tools, a bronze “Christmas Castle”, a cancelled credit card belonginh to David, a one off “Castle Tower of Windsor” complete with Ghost and extra shields were amongst items on offer.

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