Rare and Unusual David Winter

The ‘Greenie
This small piece of plaster, no more than two and a half inches high and one inch across was made by David Winter and presented to all those collectors that attended the last Collectors’ function at Eggars Hill (September 8 1996).
Each piece, no more than 250 were made, were signed by David and John. They now command a high price, when they are offered on the Secondary Market especially considering what they are.
First Point Of Sale
The piece dates from the early 1980’s and was never sold commercially. Examples are very rare and the proud owners of this piece live in the US.
Up On The Roof
This small piece was given to all members’ of staff just prior to Christmas 1994. Yet collectors’ were not aware of its existence until September 1995 during the Windsor Carnival when employees began approaching collectors offering them for sale.
The original version was a little longer and squatter. Initially they commanded a high price on the Secondary Market.
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