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Jaymar Beatles Yellow Submarine Puzzles Price Guide

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the beatles yellow submarine jigsaw puzzles
Jaymar created a series of six jigsaw puzzles to coincide with The Beatles film Yellow Submarine. We take a look at these fantastic puzzles and  include a price guide on some of the puzzles that have been sold at auction. The puzzles depicted scenes from the film: Beatles In Pepperland, Blue Meanies Attack, In The Yellow Sub, Meanies Invade Pepperland, Sea Of Monsters and Sgt Pepper Band

jaymar speciality company logoAbout Jaymar – The Jaymar Specialty Company began creating wooden toys mainly based on comic character in the 1920s. The company which was started by famous toy maker Louis Marx’s Father Jacob Marx and Jacob’s daughter Rose and son David. Jaymar started creating jigsaw puzzles after World War II. The company ceased production in 1990.

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Puzzles came in two sizes: large puzzles 19” x 19” having 650 pieces and medium 13” x 18” having 100 pieces.

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Jaymar Jigsaw Puzzle
Beatles In Pepperland

the beatles yellow submaribe jayamr jigsaw puzzle beatles in pepperland

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Jaymar Jigsaw Puzzle
Blue Meanies Invade

the beatles yellow submaribe jayamr jigsaw puzzle blue meanies invade

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Jaymar Jigsaw Puzzle
In The Yellow Sub

the beatles yellow submaribe jayamr jigsaw puzzle in the yellow sub

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Jaymar Jigsaw Puzzle
Meanies Invade Pepperland

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Jaymar Jigsaw Puzzle
Sea Of Monsters

the beatles yellow submaribe jayamr jigsaw puzzle beatles sea of monsters

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Jaymar Jigsaw Puzzle
Sgt Pepper Band

Jaymar Beatles Yellow Submarine Puzzles Price Guide
Complete puzzles in very good or better boxes: £50-£70 / $70-$100 each.
Near complete puzzles in very good boxes: £25-£35 / $35-$55 each.
Very good or better boxes (no puzzles): £15-£35 / $25-$55 each.

Jigsaw Related
Collecting Wooden Jigsaws

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