T G Green Cornishware Storage Jar Price Guide and Value Guide – Realised prices for sold T G Green Cornishware Storage Jars from auction houses in US & UK, and ebay. The famous blue and white striped (sometime orange & white, yellow & white and green& white) functional Cornishware has been popular since the 1930s and there is a growing number of collectors. Prices are mainly determined by the name on the jar – the rare the name the more desirable the piece. Other factors affecting price are size of jar, the date of production and backstamps, and as with everything condition. There are normally 700-1000 Cornishware pieces at any time – click to view)
The more common names were those that were found easily in most homes and kitchens such as sultanas, currants, raisins, flour, sugar, tea and coffee. The more rarer herbs, spices and ingredients are at the next level and include mace, mixed herbs, brown sugar, apricots, allspice, custard powder, semolina and tapioca etc. The rarest names are for items not necessarily found in the kitchen, and variations on names and include bath salts, sand, Ovaltine, Lux, and Farola etc.