Sawyer Island combines 19th century Mark Twain and
20th century Walt Disney
…a magical blend of the past in keeping with the Disneyana
2001 theme –
"A Disney Family Reunion".
Day’s sculpture, created mostly in wax, features
Harper’s Cider Mill and General Store.
nestled in the foliage beyond is a
three-level tree house that is sure to intrigue all who
possess a little bit of Tom’s adventurous spirit.
left, during the initial blocking phase the architectural elements
take shape.
This first step involved about 10 hours.
right, the same view after 60 hours. Here the General Store
and Mill structures are covered with a textured sheet-wax to
express the rustic quality of wood shingles and siding.
rear view of the Mill (left) reveals another small storage
structure. Note that two large trees are roughly blocked to
establish size and proportion.
right, the wooden water tower is complete – built atop craggy
stones on the Island. The huge tree will eventually feature
a three-level tree house.
birds-eye view of the three principal elements of our Disneyana
2001 sculpture – the General Store, Harper’s Cider Mill and
Tom’s Tree House. The water flume, which will eventually "carry"
water for the mill-wheel is now in place.
Tom Sawyer Island sculpture will measure 7.5" x 6.5"
at the base and 5" high. With basic structures complete,
landscaping will come next.
multilevel tree house is taking shape. Foliage density has been
established and a detailed foreground will follow. Viewers will
have two ways to access three lofty perches…one, via
the ladder at the base of the tree (pictured) and two,
via a rambling plank pathway between
the General Store and the Mill.
portion of sculpture includes the enormous t ree (tree house
snuggled within its branches…see ladder at left) extensive
foliage, water tower, and a natural pathway leading to a Injun
Joe’s Cave entrance.
celebrate Ray Day’s seventh year at Disneyana, I have placed
several "Hidden Mickeys" on Tom’s island. And I suggest
you start your search deep in Injun Joe’s Cave.
right rear section of the sculpture is now complete.
Bags of grain are stacked on the dock which surrounds the Mill.
A fieldstone path from the front passes between
the Mill and storage shed leading down the stone steps
to the water’s edge.
alternate path leads to the tree house ladder, taking the eye
upward, through three levels connected by winding stairways.
front is now complete. Stairs from the porch
lead down to water’s edge. There you’ll find swans,
Tom’s log raft and fishing pole.
want them, when they leave, to have smiles on their faces.”
…Walt Disney
Disney Copyright Logo will appear just left of the three dock
Lilliput Lane Logo and Limited Edition number…___/400 will
be to the right of the three posts. A Disneyana 2001 Convention
Logo will be mounted
on the stone wall further to the right.
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