If there’s any room left in your miniature closet for another set of miniature shoes, there’s a fabulous new collection of footwear from France you won’t want to miss – Les Petites Feet. Each shoe is a highly detailed replica of romantic footwear from a bygone era.
Unlike resin models currently on the market, these beautiful shoes are made of ceramic, lace, and fabric. All of the shoes are made by hand in France, so each has its own individual, distinct qualities. Prices range from $20 to $45 USD, and pieces range in size from 2″ to 7″ in length. The most stunning aspect of the footwear is the incredible detail in the applied lace and brocade, clearly the work of skilled artisans.
When collector Larry Moskovitz of Foster City, California, saw Les Petites Feet while on vacation in France, he was absolutely smitten with them. After two years of negotiations, he has arranged with the manufacturer to create unique styles, designs and colours for his own company web site.
For further information, check out Larry’s web site at www.lespetitesfeet.com.