Robert Glover – A Designer with the Royal Touch

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There has been a lot of speculation recently as to the identity of the designer of the Isle of Gramarye collections.

We are pleased to reveal that the artist who creates the faeries and mermaids of Gramarye is the internationally renowned silversmith, Robert Glover. Robert’s designs, both modern and traditional, have earned him many awards and he was winning international competitions even before he received his MA from the Royal College of Art at the age of just 22.


Pictured right – Robert Glover at work.

Robert has been commissioned to design silverware for Royal weddings, jewellery which has been presented to the Queen Mother, an engraved silver salver for presentation to the Queen, and silverware presented to Princess Grace of Monaco.


Pictured left – Damosel.

His innovative work reached an international audience when he sculpted the Brit Award for the UK music industry in 1993.

Robert’s interest in the world of faerie goes back a long way: “My first fairy creation was a jewel commissioned by Eric Clapton, which I sculpted in white and yellow gold with a starburst halo of diamonds. One of the reasons I created the faeries of Gramarye is because I enjoy the challenge of working in such small detail. All Isle of Gramarye items are, and always will be, hand-made in England. I am privileged to work with people with traditional skills and expertise to create such unique and individual pieces.”


Pictured above right – Faeries of the Hidden Treasures – Damosel, Fainia, and Helleborine.


Robert is excited by the creative challenges offered by this collection and is even planning to introduce limited editions in precious metals. The pieces are certain to be in great demand and will show Robert’s exceptional craftsmanship to great effect.


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